Jan 15, 2012

Does Penis Size Matter?

Does size matter? Yes or No...
But mostly on.

There is myths out there that larger COCKs (PENISes) provide better physical stimulation. This simply isn't true.

Think about the vibrators and dildosthat are sold for women to masturbate with. The vast majority of dildos that are sold are between five and six inches, with proportional girth--The size of average penis. The 12 inches monster cocks are relegated to the joke section.

You can see that a larger cock doesn't provide any extra physical stimulation. otherwise, women would choose larger size sex toys. However, having a big cock does have value because provides the girl with extra psychological stimulation(Dominance). That is, a girl feels more dominant when she is fucked by a larger cock than by a small one. And this is good if you are well endowed because dominance is one of the best dimensions of great sex.

But - the amount of dominance a large cock provides is insignificant compared to amount of dominance you can provide in other way. Dirty talk, manhandling, orgasm control-all of these things far overshadow how dominant you are in bed.

So then, why is penis size such a frequent insecurity among men?
The reason is that it is a vicious cycle among guys who laid very much. Their only sexual outlet is internet porn, which almost always featured guys with freakishly large cocks. Seeing that size is the measure of your worth in the porn in the real world too. This causes them to become insecure about their size.

When they do have sex with a girl, their insecurither ruin their IMMERSION. That is, they start to think and worry in bed, instead of just enjoying the experience and being in the moment. This makes them perform poorly in bed.

But they don't recognize that the reason why they are performing poorly is because of their insecurities caused by this limiting behalf. Instead, they take their sexual failure as evidence that their belief about penis size.
So don't get caught in this cycle if you haven't being performing as well as you had like in bed, recognize that this is causede by their insecurities; not your PENIS SIZE.

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